It was perfect weather last Saturday for the Graduation ceremony for the EHS class of 2022. With about 2000 people in attendance, this marked the last graduation presided over by principal Matt Buchler. SVVSD’s Chief Financial Officer Greg Feith and Board of Education member Meosha Brooks (who is the mother of one of the members of the EHS Class of 2022) made the event official. Senior members of the EHS choir kicked off the ceremony with the singing of the National Anthem.
Valedictorians, Salutatorians, and graduates with distinction were recognized. Student speeches were delivered by seniors Lily Meskers, Madi Brown, Reilly Jackson, and Darío Hinojosa. The keynote speaker for the ceremony was EHS English teacher Jacob Rupp.
Photos were taken of each graduate as they crossed the stage and again in front of the EHS logo by Studio5, Erie’s official photographers. These photos will be posted soon for parents who wish to order a copy. In the meantime, please enjoy these photos taken by SVVSD’s Department of Communications.