Finals for Semester 2, May, 2021

Finals week, like just about everything this year, will be a little different at the end of this semester.  Instead of the usual plan for finals we will not have a modified schedule Monday through Thursday of the last week of school.  Teachers will plan their final exam to be during one of the last four days of the school year and we will have a normal class schedule with four blocks each day.  Make sure that you know when your final is scheduled to occur.  Any student who has more than two finals in one day should contact the teacher about an alternative time to take their final exam.  This should help students not be overwhelmed with too many tests in one day.

There is no school on Friday, May 28th as that is the day that teachers will be finalizing their grades and the staff and administrators will be preparing Tiger Stadium for the Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, May 29th.

If you have questions about the details of your finals, please reach out directly to your teacher for that class.

Good luck on your finals, Tigers and finish this semester strong!

Erie High School