(now called Vitalant)
Erie High School Blood Drive
Please Help Us Save Lives! Donate Blood!!!
Tuesday, March 5th
9:00 – 1:00 pm
To be eligible to donate you need to:
- weigh at least 110 pounds
- be at least 16-years-old & have signed Parental Consent form if you are 16 or 17
- have not traveled to a malaria risk country in the past year
- eat a good meal and drink plenty of water before your donation
- bring your ID with you to the drive
- allow 1 hour to potentially save 3 lives!
To make an appt. Contact Bonfils at 303-363-2300.
Or sign up online https://donors.bonfils.org
use site code 6091
Questions? Contact
Greta Vonbernuth or email her at
It only takes about an hour to save up to 3 lives.
Give hope. Give life. Give blood.