Erie High School is excited to begin classes with all of our students on Tuesday, August 18th. Students and parents need to be aware of some critical information in order to take academic achievement to the next level at EHS.
The first bit of information was in Mr Buchler’s latest update. These Principal updates may always be found on the school’s website ( under the News tab. Make sure that you’re aware of expectations of students and the schedule of classes before you logon to WebEx at the beginning of the class time listed on the schedule.
Next, be aware of Schoology. Schoology is where teachers post work that is in process of being completed. If a student needs to find a resource in order to complete an assignment, Schoology is the first place to look. Schoology may be accessed by students and teachers via the app on their student iPad or on the web at Parents and non-employees of SVVSD may use to find their child’s Schoology information. Instructions are available for parents who need help accessing Schoology here.
Infinite Campus is where the results of student work appear in the form of a grade. At EHS any assignment grade that is listed is M (for missing) is available to be turned in for some credit. If an assignment has a grade of 0 it is no longer able to be turned in for credit. Infinite Campus may be accessed by parents from the school’s homepage quicklinks, but the best way for parents to have access is on the Infinite Campus mobile app for Apple or Android. The app allows you to set notification for when grades drop below a certain limit or assignments are not turned in on time, rather than having to remember to check for yourself.
WebEx is the way that lessons will be delivered during remote learning. For more information about how to sign onto a WebEx class, please see this tutorial. Initially, if you have any difficulty
accessing a class, reaching out to the teacher is the best plan. Stay tuned for more information from EHS about tech help office hours offered by Mrs Singh, our school’s tech expert who can help students with troubles with their iPad, Schoology or WebEx. Classes will take place in teachers’ WebEx rooms which may be found in Schoology or on the page associated with each teacher at EHS.
The challenges that face our students and their teachers this semester seem great but we are doing everything we can to ensure that students are able to learn at their maximum potential. If you have any concerns once learning begins, please reach out to the teacher of the class and the EHS administrators and counselors so that we can find a solution.