As an introduction, we here at the Erie High School Booster Club have recently gone through a re-organization and are on a spirited path to help. We know one of our single biggest challenges is funding to properly compete at the highest level and maintain the high expectations that we here at EHS have set for our organizations, athletes, clubs, and programs. We want to give our kids every resource that we possibly can.
We are transforming the Booster Club from years past and looking forward to the future. We want to make these goals as easy as possible but unfortunately this takes a lot of work and a lot of help. We are in a special ecosystem in Erie with the rapid growth rate all while keeping us in that “Small-town/Community” feel. We all must get in and row the boat together. The sooner we can do that, the better position we will put ourselves in for the future EHS community.
Erie Booster Club Sites (Check them out, bookmark and like/follow us)
www.erieboosterclub.com – Website
https://www.facebook.com/ErieBoosterClub – Facebook
https://twitter.com/ErieBoosterClub – Twitter
New Highlights:
- If you volunteer at the concession stand, bingo, spirit wear, or any future booster club events you become a “Member” of The Booster Club and you are welcome to come to public meetings. There will be a period for you to let your voice be heard.
- Become a member here as well: https://www.erieboosterclub.com/membership/plans.php (Recommended to sign up for the free membership as we will eventually be sending out newsletters)
- You can also choose to donate as a member a larger dollar commitment to benefit a team, club, activity, department, or class of your choice.
(Currently we only have a couple sponsorship opportunities)
- Three different After Prom Packages Erie High School After Prom 2022
- One-time (1 Year) $50.00, $100.00 and $500.00 general sponsorship package or FREE package that you can add any specific amount donation too. https://www.erieboosterclub.com/sponsorship/plans.php
- You can volunteer for concessions and earn your club: $200.00/Group/Event plus tips. (Generally, 4-8 people, at least $200.00 but can be MUCH higher with tips)
- You can volunteer for Bingo and earn your club: $100.00/Person. (Generally, 8-10 people, generally an $800.00 – $1000.00 opportunity)
(With the possibility to gain a board seat):
This is for folks ready to make a commitment to be a deeper part of the booster club with ambitions to assist as a parent/adult liaison for the following:
- After Prom Committee
- Concessions Chair / Committee
- Bingo Chair / Committee
- Any future fundraising committee (examples: ad sales, membership liaison, scholarship committee, etc.)
- Board Positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and all current chair seats that have voting rights
*** If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please reach out directly to Matt Powell @ 720-331-2458 or email @[email protected]