Community Update – 01.06.2023
Welcome Back!
Dear Erie High School families,
Happy New Year! I hope that you and your family enjoyed a restful Winter Break and a happy holiday season. I am looking forward to a great 2nd semester at Erie High School, filled with opportunities for excellence in academics, visual & performing arts, athletics, and citizenship. I hope that the refreshing nature of the new year will provide our students, staff, and community with a great opportunity to start the semester on a strong note.
As a school, we will continue our emphasis on attendance and engagement. We encourage all students to renew their commitment to great attendance, punctuality, and commitment to success in the classroom. We know that these commitments are foundational to student success and that they will help prepare our students for happy, full, and successful futures. I appreciate your support in encouraging your child(ren) as we start the new semester.
I wish all of our Erie Tigers the very best on a successful 2nd semester to the 2022-2023 school year. I hope that all of our students will use this first week of the semester to get off to a great start. We have many opportunities for growth and achievement ahead of us! Thank you for your continued support of your child(ren) and our great school!
Josh Griffin
Erie High School Principal