- LaunchEd and Virtual Students who haven’t turned in their iPads yet: https://docs.google.com/
document/d/ 1T83CRtayz6i2985cVrEDkycIC3GnU NUyPiIP-yAYTRE/edit?usp= sharing
- Lunch sign-ups for students who have yet to get an iPad – please be on time if possible: https://www.
signupgenius.com/go/ 70A0C4FABA72BA2F85-ipad
- 12th Graders still needing to turn in their iPads and chargers, please sign out of iCloud and bring them to the library.
- Here are iPad backup directions https://tech.svvsd.org/
support/2014/06/26/backing-up- . Mention that the prefered place to backup to is Google Drive (not iCloud) and students need to make sure that the backup is complete before they turn off their iPads (there is a little wheel that needs to complete its way around the circle). Tell them to check in GoogleDrive to make sure the backup was done especially for files that are important.your-idevice/
- Senior tech files will disappear on June 30th. Here is information about migrating their files: https://tech.svvsd.
org/support/2015/04/17/ exiting-students/
- Students leaving the district will need to bring their iPad & charger to the library before they leave the school.