Our Annual College Fair is almost here! On October 12th from 1:00-2:45 PM, we will host 55 college reps in the gym. Junior and Senior classes will be invited to attend. It is important to REGISTER beforehand and bring your barcode! Here are the steps to register:
1. Go to gotocollegefairs.com or scan the QR code attached
2. On the top, select “Students” and then “register now”
3. Select “Colorado” on the map and find “Erie High School” (note: the list is arranged by date and ours is 10/12)
4. Select “Register for in-person”, select “Erie High School” then “Continue”
5. It will bring you to a confirmation page where there is a link to print your barcode. PLEASE print the barcode or have it saved to your device and bring it with you to the college fair.
This is a GREAT opportunity to ask representatives admissions questions and learn more about the programs offered. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Senesac or Ms. Mitchell. Thank you!