As a business owner, you are constantly looking for ways to not only support your community but for people to notice that support. It shows that you value your clients and appreciate the area in which you operate.
There is a tremendous way for you to support the graduates of Erie High School directly while getting your company’s name in front of thousands of members of our community.
EHS is hosting a fundraising concert featuring the vocal rock band FACE. The proceeds from this event will go to scholarships for EHS graduating seniors and alumni to continue their education whether it is at a traditional four-year university, community college, or trade school.
One way you can sponsor the event is by making a donation to the EHS Education Foundation, the 501(c)(3) charitable organization that sends students on to their next educational step to the tune of at least $50,000 each of the last few years. You can make a tax-exempt donation to purchase tickets to the concert to give to your clients, or for the school to give to worthy students who would love to attend the concert but can’t afford to.
The EHS Ed Foundation will use your company’s logo on the flyer that is handed out to every guest in our nearly 600 seat auditorium. Additionally, EHS will announce your proud support in its weekly update and on its very popular social media platforms. Corporate or private sponsors alike will also be named during the performance so that audience members know which companies support EHS students.
In terms of efficiency, these are some of the best-spent advertising dollars you could spend and can be written off on your taxes to boot!
If you are interested in thrusting your company into the spotlight as a proud supporter of Erie High School, please contact Paul Stecina, EHS Dean of Students and EHS Ed Foundation Board member at [email protected], or call (720) 494-3866.