If you have registered for a CETC class this semester, please note that classes begin on August 22nd with an A Day schedule. Until that time students may use the time in their schedule as a study hall to complete work in their other classes in the Jr/Sr Lounge or Library.
The schedule for the bus that runs from EHS to CETC and back is listed below. If you need this schedule later on in the year, you may always find it will all of the school schedules on the Hours & Location page at GoErieTigers.com.

EHS students taking classes at Career Elevation Technical Center (CETC) and their parents should review the bus schedule to make sure they understand the times for bus pickup and returns at EHS. CETC/IC classes begin on Monday, August 22nd, A-day.
Morning CETC classes (blocks A1/2 and B5/6):
- We highly recommend that parents bring their students to school early because bus #130 to CETC leaves Erie High at 7:35 AM, which could be before the students’ bus from home arrives at EHS.
- Students with A-lunch will need to pack their lunch to eat on the bus on the way back to EHS prior to their afternoon classes because the bus arrives at EHS at 11:30. A-lunch will have ended by that time.
- Students with B and C lunch will have missed a portion of their A3/B7 class. While we tried to avoid this on schedules, if your student has a core class for A3/B7, please contact us to see if we can re-arrange your schedule to have an elective class at that time. Counseling Office (720) 494-3865.
Students with an afternoon CETC class (blocks A3/4 and B7/8) need to head straight to the bus after block A2/B6 class ends at 10:49 to catch bus #239 that leaves at 11:05am.
- The last bus #237 bringing students back to Erie High is scheduled to arrive at 2:45, many factors may have this bus running behind so parents should plan to pick up their student instead of the student taking their normal bus home.
Additional information:
- Students taking a class at Innovation Center should apply the same rules with the appropriate arrival & departure times.
- There is NO CETC class during Late Start Days.