Innovation Center Summer Offerings
The SVVSD Innovation Center has great things to keep students busy over the summer growing their creative minds.
The SVVSD Innovation Center has great things to keep students busy over the summer growing their creative minds.
The Innovation Center is offering several great summer opportunities for students! Registration is open now at https://stvrain.revtrak.net/innovation-center-superstem/ Opportunities are in these classes:CompTIA: IT FundamentalsIntro to A/V RealityIntro to CybersecurityPilot Ground 1 School
Did your student miss the window to register for Career Elevation and Technology Center and Innovation Center classes for the 22-23 School Year? Registration for the Career Elevation and Technology Center and Innovation Center closed on January 9th. If your child was unable to request a CETC/IC course for next year, please have your student complete the […]
Are you interested in taking a class at the Innovation Center or the Career Elevation Technical Center next school year?? Registration is NOW OPEN for 22-23 Career Development Center and Innovation Center courses and closes Sunday, January 9th! Visit their websites for more information and registration instructions: Career Elevation & Technology Center Innovation Center What […]