Testing Day, October 16th

On Wednesday, October 16th all students grades 9 – 11 will take standardized assessments.

Juniors will all be taking the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT).  This assessment is given to select students who will recieve an excellent scholarship which pays for a good part of their post-highschool education.  Freshmen and Sophomores will be taking a released version of the PSAT.  This provides students with a baseline score for the test they will take in the spring.  This will also be the first opportunity for these students to see the test they will take toward the end of the year since our Sophomores took the PSAT 8/9 last year and the Freshmen haven’t taken a PSAT yet.  We will take another PSAT in February so that students can assess their growth over the course of the year.  This also provides exposure to testing conditions in a low-stakes environment.  This repeated exposure to the test helps to reduce anxiety that these tests can produce in students.  Erie High School students have reported that having these testing opportunities before the high-stakes test in the spring helps them perform better and reduces test anxiety.  This topic was addressed recently in Principal Buchler’s latest Principal’s Update.

Seniors may use the day to work on scholarship applications and application essays for entrance to their next educational opportunity after high school.  Any student that chooses to do this from home needs to have a parent call in to the school to excuse their absence.

Erie High School