After-School Math Tutoring WORKS!

This semester, EHS is offering after-school tutoring sessions in Math that are available to any EHS student. These sessions are supervised by two math teachers at each session who help students with their homework, oversee their preparation for an upcoming test, administer make-up tests or quizzes, and simply answer questions students didn’t get resolved during class time.

Some students have mentioned that hearing an explanation from another teacher has helped them understand how to do the problems they are struggling with.

By the Numbers:
So far this semester we have had seven of these sessions which take place in S104/105 from 3 – 4pm on Monday and Wednesday. 62 students have attended these sessions. Of those 62 students, 39 of them had either a D or an F when they attended. In the time since they attended 46% of them have raised their grade in Mathematics. The total number of Grade Points gained by these students is 40 (an increase from F to A is four points, from F to B is three points, etc.).

We still have plenty of room at each session for our two teachers to assist those who are interested in improving their grades in math, making up a missing assignment, preparing for a test, or just having a question answered about their homework. We would love for you to attend, too!

Erie High School