Category: Academics

Fall 2020 Dean’s List Awards

Students at Erie High School who earned a 3.75 GPA or better during the Fall semester of 2020 earned an academic letter or, if they previously have earned the academic letter, a bar signifying repeating the accomplishment in a subsequent semester and a certificate recognizing the achievement.  We call this list of students The Dean’s List.  […]

News From EHS Counseling

21-22 School Year Course Registration Reminder: Course registration is now open for the 21-22 school year. The deadline to input course requests in IC has been extended to Friday February 5th. Please review and follow steps on the Registration Preparation website. If you encounter any technology issues or course request questions, please complete the form on this website. Counselors will meet […]

EHS Attendance High So Far 2nd Semester

SVVSD announced attendance data for each of the schools within the school district. Erie High School has the highest attendance of any traditional high school in the St Vrain Valley School District! Research suggests (logically) that students who are in attendance, virtual or otherwise, will learn better than students who aren’t in attendance.  High attendance rates […]

Teacher Accommodations for Struggling Students

Parents and students should have seen communication from their teachers this week letting students know the best path to improving their grades. We realize these are tough times for some families and with the changes in learning environments this year, some students have had a difficult time keeping up with academics. Teachers, in work with their […]

Erie High School Counseling Student Caseload Shift

Erie High has transitioned students with last names beginning with A-C to a new academic counselor beginning immediately. Mrs. Pohlman, who was previously working with these students, has moved to support students at our LaunchEd virtual campus. Please see below for contact information for all of our academic counselors. Do not hesitate to reach out […]

Your iPad Should Be Where You Are

As winter weather approaches it is a good time to remind everyone that you should always have your iPad and other school supplies with you at all times every day.  This way, in the event that we have to learn remotely for any reason, you will have everything you need to be academically successful. 

SVVSD Code of Conduct

Thank you for your partnership and supporting the academic growth, safety, and well-being of our students. Every year, St. Vrain Valley Schools prints an up-to-date version of the Code of Conduct for students and families to review. This important document guides students and school staff on what expectations for school conduct and the consequences for […]

Erie High School