During spring semester freshmen in World Studies have been creating National History Day (NHD) Projects. NHD is basically the science fair for History based on a yearly theme. This year’s theme was “Communication in History.” Students each created a massive research project on a topic of their choosing based on that theme. They had to create an annotated bibliography, provide research notes, create a thesis statement, and finally produce a final product (either a website or exhibit board).
Here are the winners for this year’s National History Day:
First Place:
Dax Bradshaw- The Radio in WWII
Second Place:
Stephen Jones/Mark Newkirk- The Roman Government
Third Place:
Elliott Dolan- The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Honorable Mentions:
Abby Ruschak- The White Rose
Anna Whetstone- The Phonecian Alphabet
Evan Barton- History of Codes and Cyphers