Category: Academics

Superintendent’s Update: Continuing to Advance Excellence Across Our Community

St. Vrain Valley Schools is accelerating into the new academic year with tremendous momentum as we continue to advance high-quality learning for all of our students. With so much to celebrate from the past year, the 2019-2020 school year promises to be an even greater moment in St. Vrain’s history. As our students today are entering […]

Tuition-Free Full-Day Kindergarten

Dear St. Vrain Valley Families, We are excited to welcome your kindergarten student next year and continue our partnership to ensure your child’s success. Recently, you may have read information in the news about the passage of additional state funding for full-day kindergarten, and we wanted to share some information regarding the positive impact this […]

Science CMAS Testing on Tuesday for Juniors

On Tuesday, April 16th, all 11th graders in the State of Colorado are taking the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) Science test.  This test is computer-based and will be given during blocks 5 and 6. Students whose parents choose to opt them out of this test will attend their classes as usual. To opt your child out […]

FRCC Pathway Days

Registration is ending soon for the FRCC – Westminster Campus Manufacturing, Automotive, Construction and Design Technologies Pathway Day next week on Friday, February 22nd from 8:30am to 12:30pm.   Students attending the Pathway Day will hear from faculty members who teach courses such as Automotive Technologies, Computer Aided Drafting, Machining, and Optics Technology!  Registration has been extended it to Monday evening.  If you are interested […]

Excellent Opportunity for EHS Students

Each year the Longmont St.Vrain Rotary Club extends an invitation to SVVSD high school students to apply for a unique educational leadership experience.  The club would like to sponsor a student interested in attending the World Affairs Seminar 2019 on The Promise And Perils Of Social Media. The 2019 World Affairs Seminar is Saturday, June 22 – Friday, June 28th at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  […]

Superintendent Update – The Future of America

Across the district, we have been championing a new motivational motto that is uniting our shared vision for excellence in learning and student advancement: We are taking public education by #StVrainStorm!  Every day, I observe countless examples of students, teachers, staff, and community partners exemplifying the highest levels of achievement and drive that represent the very best […]

8th Grade Registration Night, January 30th 6-8pm

The purpose of the evening is to provide information on registering for courses that “Challenge EHS Students to be Remarkable! ” The evening will focus on course registration applicable to the highly competitive academic focus needed for college and career readiness.  Focus will also be on effective transition tactics for 8th graders to be successful […]

*NEW EVENT* Current Student Registration Information Night

Erie High School has a new event planned to help you and your student navigate registration for the 2019-20 school year. As Erie High School grows, so do the academic opportunities available to students. We want to make sure that you as students and parents are aware of the various academic opportunities designed to help […]

Sign Up for CDC, Innovation Center Classes

Students have some great opportunities for investigating future career paths or simply finding alternatives for elective coursework through the Innovation Center or Career Development Center.  Registration for these courses is happening NOW! and lasts until January 18th, 2019.  All registrations must take place through the district registration site, not during regular Erie High School registration.Loading…

Financial Literacy Graduation Requirement

Students in St Vrain Valley School District who will graduate with the Class of 2021 and beyond will face an additional graduation requirement: Financial Literacy. This requirement is part of each student’s Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) which is designed around fulfilling students’ need to increase their Self-Awareness, Postsecondary Aspirations and Options, Environmental Expectations, […]

Erie High School