PSAT/SAT Wednesday February 14, 2024
Get ready for practice testing on February 14th
Get ready for practice testing on February 14th
Before we get into testing season find out all you need to know about calculators.
Read all of the details about the upcoming Advanced Placement testing associated with our AP classes.
The latest letter to the community from the desk of Mr. Griffin, EHS Principal.
The latest letter from Mr. Griffin to the community.
Juniors will take the CMAS test on their iPads on Tuesday, April 18th in the large gym. All regular classes will continue as planned during testing.
Be prepared with everything you need to know about the upcoming standardized testing.
Hello, Students that took the practice PSAT 9, PSAT 10, or SAT assessment on January 31 may now access their scores using the Performance Matters app. Additionally, if your student took the practice test on October 12, 2022, they will be able to access these scores as well. The goal is for students to see […]
Please review the following information related to upcoming testing for your Erie High student. We are excited to offer the January 31 practice test opportunity to your student as a way to support preparations for the official College Board suite of assessments administered in April. We are additionally excited to offer the opportunity for students […]
Some students have indicated that they don’t worry about Science so much because it’s not specifically tested on the PSAT or SAT. In some regards, that’s correct. PSAT and SAT have reading, writing, and math sections but there are science questions in the reading test. Additionally, Juniors are asked to take the CMAS Science test […]